Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Life in The Fat Lane

 As an obese female- (that is a harsh word I had to get used to!) I've witnessed more disappointment in myself than I can begin to tell you about. I am an expert in diet disaster and can tell you every point in the Weight Watcher hand book, I can list the calories and carbohydrate count in Slim Fast and can tell you how much Cabbage Soup you can eat before fatal explosion happens!
What I cannot tell you is how to keep all those ugly little pounds off - forever.
Over the past two years I've been experiencing a metamorphosis with my life. I began the journey into bariatric surgery. After all my insurance requirements were met and my mind was sure that God wouldn't strike me down for doing something for myself instead of my kids, I happily committed to a life changing experience! Eleven months later and eighty five pounds lighter I am still in the fat lane but making good time traveling in the right direction.
So far, my lap band has been the forth best decision I've ever made! (Right behind baptism, marriage and child birth). Food will forever be my shameful companion. I learned to be creative as well as selective with what I choose to eat. No bread, rice, pasta or potatoes on my plate please! No sugar and no soda either! Protein keeps the muscles lean and the fat burning off.
I am learning a lot about myself these days. I presently enjoy camping more than ever. I love going shopping and buying size 18 AND THEY FIT!!!! I found a strength within myself that lets me know I will be successful this time! Most importantly, I've learned that I have an awesome blessing and a wonderful support system in  family and friends that love me despite my size.
So as I travel down life's road in the fat lane I am constantly adapting to conditions, avoiding the pot holes and the wrecks that come at me full speed ahead. I believe in giving back and helping where I can, as a result, I have started a support group to help other weary travelers along the way.
To those of you who think bariatric surgery is easy and the lazy way out...think again and gain some education! The choice I made completely changed my life forever - with the good and bad! Along with the potential to win my fight against obesity there are ways of life I will never be able to go back to if I want to remain successful. In the future, there is medicine I will not be allowed to take due to my "condition". I will always be rolling along with my life in the fat lane, cruising for the next mile marker to successful weight loss.

If you have a question or would like to talk about bariatric surgery please don't hesitate to ask. I'll share what I know, and get you the answers if I don't.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. I have one sitting as a draft about re-gaining my motivation. Congrats, you are doing such a good job and you look GREAT!
